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If you are among those who are torn between science and religion, for whom the concept of God needs empirical proof, Proof of God is your book.
Ptolemy Tompkins
Ptolemy Tompkins
He wrote a number of articles for Time Asia, including “New-Age Super-Sage,” a widely circulated profile of Deepak Chopra, and for several years wrote a column, “The Winged Life,” for For nine years, from 1999 to 2008, Ptolemy was an editor at Guideposts Magazine. While there he also worked on AMC’s horror blog, where his ABC’s of Horror appeared…
In addition to his work with Dr. Eben Alexander, Ptolemy collaborated with police officer Tyler Beddoes on 2016’s Proof of Angels and renowned astrophysicist Bernard Haisch on 2017’s Proof of God. He has appeared on many radio programs, including a spot on Fresh Air with Terry Gross and several returns to George Noory’s Coast to Coast AM.